
数字认证:基于HarmonyOS NEXT系统 公司已对“掌上信手书”APP进行原生应用开发

Beijing certificate authority: Based on the HarmonyOS NEXT system, the company has developed a native application for the "Palm e-Book" app.

Breakings ·  Oct 10, 2024 16:16

Beijing Certificate Authority stated on the interactive platform that based on the HarmonyOS NEXT system, the company has developed a native application for the "Pocket Handy Book" app. The "Pocket Handy Book" app has been released on the HarmonyOS NEXT application market, realizing the application needs such as applying for and signing digital certificates for users. By leveraging the security protection capabilities of the Hongmeng native system, it helps users to provide secure support for electronic document signing and electronic seal applications for dozens of industries such as medical, education, government-enterprise cooperation, finance, etc., under a secure and reliable digital certificate authentication system, empowering digital transformation.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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