
宏景科技:拟变更募投项目投入新项目 增强算力服务能力

Hongjing Technology: Intends to change the use of funds for investment in new projects to enhance computing power service capabilities.

Breakings ·  Sep 30, 2024 08:52

Hongjing Technology (301396) announced in the morning of September 30th that in order to enhance the company's computing power service capability, improve the efficiency of fundraising and investment return, the company intends to change the "Smart City Industry Application Platform Upgrade Project", the "AIoT Basic Platform Development Project", and the "Marketing System Upgrade Project" to the "Intelligent Computing Center Construction and Operation Project", and invest the unused fundraising amount of 0.209 billion yuan originally intended for the above projects into the "Intelligent Computing Center Construction and Operation Project".

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