
国家发改委:民营企业和民营企业家是我们自己人 要全力帮助企业渡过难关

The National Development and Reform Commission: Private enterprises and private entrepreneurs are our own people, we must fully help the enterprises through difficult times.

Breakings ·  Sep 27, 2024 21:40

Director Zheng Zhaojie of the National Development and Reform Commission presided over a symposium, held discussions and exchanges with the leaders of private enterprises such as Youngor, Meituan, Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology, Neusoft Corporation, Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group, listened to the real situation of the operation and development of private enterprises, the difficulties they are facing, and their opinions and suggestions on the economic situation. Zheng Zhaojie stated that private enterprises and private entrepreneurs are our own people, and we must fully help the enterprises through difficult times. In the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will fully implement the spirit of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, according to the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, continue to strengthen overall coordination, support enterprises in speeding up transformation and upgrading, becoming better and stronger, while making good use of normalized communication and exchange mechanisms, addressing the problems and demands raised by enterprises in a targeted manner, helping private enterprises develop with high quality, and promoting the growth of the private economy.

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