
苹果客服回应iPhone 16使用钢壳电池:设备没有问题

Apple customer service responded that the iPhone 16 with a steel shell battery has no issues.

Breakings ·  Sep 22 14:01

Recently, after the release of the iPhone 16 series, a blogger disassembled the Pro version. The blogger found that the iPhone 16 Pro version's battery uses a steel outer shell, and there was leakage and heating during disassembly. In addition, the explosion of communications equipment in Lebanon has raised public concerns about the safety of mobile phones and other terminals. Many netizens have raised associations and doubts, saying, 'They are even reluctant to give you a SIM card ejector, how could they use a steel outer shell.' Some even came up with some conspiracy theories, claiming that Apple is setting up a scheme. Apple's official website customer service stated that the technical consultant mentioned that they cannot verify the authenticity of the information circulating online, but Apple's products undergo strict quality inspection processes before being released. If there were any risks like remote detonation, the country would not allow it to be released, so the device is definitely without issues.

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