
受益于AI 看好下半年趋势 半导体龙头公司集体路演亮点纷呈

Benefiting from AI, the semiconductor leading companies are bullish on the trend for the second half of the year and have presented a series of highlights in their collective roadshows.

Breakings ·  Sep 20 04:44

The semiconductor special session of the industry collective roadshow in 2024 will be held on September 19th at the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Leading companies in the semiconductor subdivision such as Will Semiconductor, Wingtech Technology, Caihong Display Devices, Wuxi NCE Power, Espressif Systems, and Dongxin Holdings have appeared one after another, introducing their performance in the first half of the year and discussing optimistic prospects for the second half of the year with investors. During the interactive communication section, several companies explained the benefits, product research and development, and market expansion progress of their AI-related business in response to investors' concerns.

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