
银河证券:未来三年苹果产业链有望持续超预期 看好供应链相关公司的业绩成长

Galaxy Securities: Apple's industry chain is expected to continue to exceed expectations in the next three years, bullish on the performance growth of related supply chain companies.

Breakings ·  10:41

China Galaxy Securities research report indicates that with the three factors of mobile phone function innovation, appearance upgrade, and replacement cycle, Apple phones are expected to enter a new replacement cycle. Coupled with the ecological layout of Apple AI, Apple's industry chain is expected to continue to exceed expectations in the next three years. Bullish on the performance growth of related supply chain companies. Recommended industry chain companies: Luxshare Precision, Avary Holding, Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing, Shenzhen Sunway Communication, Shenzhen Desay Battery Technology, Sunwoda Electronic, Lingyi Itech, Lens Technology, Zhejiang Crystal-Optech, Cowell, Zhuhai Guanyu, Jones Tech Plc, Suzhou Sequntech New Material, AAC Tech, Goertek Inc., Shenzhen Everwin Precision Technology; some equipment manufacturers will also continue to benefit, suggest paying attention to Suzhou Secote Precision Electronic, Shenzhen Yanmade Technology, Bozhong Precision, Quick Intelligent Equipment, and others.

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