
韩国预计其债券有望加入富时世界国债指数 高盛等机构对此表示怀疑

South Korea is expected to have its bonds included in the FTSE World Government Bond Index, but institutions such as Goldman Sachs are skeptical of this.

Breakings ·  Sep 17 09:24

A senior official of the South Korean government said that South Korea has high expectations for its government bonds to join the global major bond indices next month, but some large banks believe that this is unlikely to happen. South Korean Deputy Finance Minister Kim Beom-seok said in an interview in Hong Kong that since South Korea was listed on the FTSE World Government Bond Index watchlist two years ago, the South Korean government has established necessary systems and is prepared to make additional adjustments based on investor feedback. Kim, during the time of making the above comments, has already communicated with about 10 global banks in the past two days in order to further win over investors before FTSE Russell's decision on October 8th. Goldman Sachs predicts that it will not be until 2025 that South Korean government bonds will join the FTSE World Government Bond Index, citing procedural issues raised by investors. Nomura also sees a risk of delay. However, South Korean officials are more optimistic and believe that efforts by the authorities to reform the capital markets, including extending currency trading hours and reaching an agreement with Euroclear Bank SA to open a comprehensive account, will help South Korean government bonds to be included in the FTSE index.

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