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Investment banks: The pace of interest rate cuts by the European Central Bank may be slower than market expectations, and it may cut interest rates on a quarterly basis.

Breakings ·  Sep 16 19:44

Barclays and Danske Bank strategists said that the European Central Bank's interest rate cut may be slower than the market expected. Strategists said that the European Central Bank may cut interest rates quarterly, rather than at every meeting from December to June. Danske Bank stated that the European Central Bank will focus on sticky inflation, while Barclays believes that the European Central Bank may choose a lower final interest rate to achieve a more stable easing period. Barclays' head of euro interest rate strategy, Rohan Kana, wrote, "The market may once again seriously consider the possibility of the European Central Bank choosing to cut interest rates quarterly next year." Piet Christiansen, Chief Strategist at Danske Bank, pointed out that high wages have led to increased domestic inflationary pressures, which is the reason why policymakers only cut interest rates once per quarter. The bank expects the European Central Bank to cut interest rates by 25 basis points quarterly before September next year.

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