

Why is the AI field causing concerns about competition as Microsoft, Nvidia, and others are frequently involved in antitrust investigations?

Breakings ·  04:36

The emergence of ChatGPT has ignited the heat in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). While major companies are competing to layout their AI business maps, major competition regulatory institutions are also highly concerned about this. In particular, cooperation between tech giants such as Microsoft, Google, Nvidia, and AI startups is facing strict antitrust scrutiny in Europe and the United States. Why does the AI field cause concerns about competition? Recently, at the 2024 National Fair Competition Conference held in Wuhan, a representative of a competition enforcement agency mentioned that AI may lead to market power concentration in the hands of a few players. Some participants also expressed that the current AI market is still in its early stages, making it difficult to predict future market competition changes. However, people are increasingly worried that a few large tech companies with capital, data, and infrastructure advantages may use their competitive advantages to set barriers to entry in the basic production elements of AI, hindering market innovation.

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