
机构:欧洲央行上调核心通胀预期 料将进行季度降息

Institutions: The European Central Bank has raised its core inflation expectations and is expected to cut interest rates quarterly.

Breakings ·  Sep 12 22:17

Evercore ISI stated that the European Central Bank's latest policy statement indicates that after lowering the benchmark interest rate on Thursday, the bank will further cut rates every quarter. The institution stated that the European Central Bank has slightly raised its core inflation expectations for 2024 and 2025, which is not conducive to the idea of ​​lowering interest rates again at each meeting in October and for the remaining time of the year. However, the inflation forecast for 2026 is still below the target, and the weaker growth prospects indicate that if inflation in the service sector slows down, the European Central Bank may have to reduce interest rates at each meeting in the first half of 2025.

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