
江西武宁:停止新建安置房 探索商品房现房销售试点

Wuning County, Jiangxi: Stop the construction of resettlement houses and explore the pilot sales of commodity housing in stock.

Breakings ·  Sep 5 15:02

The People's Government Office of Wuning County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province recently issued the "Several Measures to Further Promote the Healthy and Stable Development of the Real Estate Market in Wuning County", including the implementation of the "house ticket" resettlement policy, support for urban housing "old-for-new" program, implementation of preferential tax policies for transactions, further optimization of housing provident fund policies, optimization of the criteria for determining the number of housing units in individual housing loans, prudent disposal of "work transfer housing" and "foreclosed housing", accelerating the reduction of inventory of commodity housing, and support for the sale of existing houses for commodity housing, and other 24 measures. Within the urban planning area of Wuning County, except for the ones that must be newly built according to national regulations, new resettlement houses will be suspended, and existing resettlement houses or house ticket resettlement policies will be implemented. If physical resettlement is necessary, it will be mainly done through the placement of existing resettlement houses or the purchase of inventory new commodity housing. Actively explore the pilot sales of commodity housing in current stock. Individuals who sign contracts for the sale of commodity housing from the date of issuance of this document until December 31, 2024 and complete the payment of deed tax can enjoy a 100% subsidy for the purchase of deed tax. The deed tax for house purchases will be collected first and reimbursed later, and the subsidy funds will be guaranteed by the benefiting finance, with reference to the implementation by each township.

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