

Fujian Kuncai Material Technology: Planning to establish a joint venture company with G-Resources.

Breakings ·  Aug 28 08:03

Announcement from Fujian Kuncai Material Technology: The company plans to jointly invest with G-Resources to establish Mei Yuan Vanadium and Titanium Co., Ltd. and Mei Yuan Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd., with the names of the two joint venture companies to be determined. The registered capital of Mei Yuan Vanadium and Titanium Co., Ltd. is 0.3 billion yuan, with the company holding a 55% stake and G-Resources holding a 45% stake, and the initial paid-in capital is 0.1 billion yuan. Mei Yuan Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the production of vanadium pentoxide, with G-Resources holding 75% of the shares and Fujian Kuncai Material Technology holding 25% of the shares. This investment has been approved by the company's board of directors and does not constitute a related party transaction or a significant asset restructuring.

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