
兰州发布新政 收购已建成存量商品房用作保障性住房

Lanzhou has issued new policies to acquire existing commodity houses for use as affordable housing.

Breakings ·  Aug 23 15:29

The Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Lanzhou City's official website issued an announcement on the 23rd, soliciting completed existing commodity housing for use as guaranteed housing sources within the entire city of Lanzhou. The time period is from the date of the announcement to September 30, 2024. The Lanzhou Municipal Government has selected Lanzhou New City Development Group Limited as the purchasing entity. The target of the solicitation is real estate development enterprises within the entire city of Lanzhou that have completed existing commodity housing and voluntarily participate in using the existing commodity housing as guaranteed housing. The solicitation requirements include: the nature of the housing must be a residence or apartment, with a single building area of less than 120 square meters; the housing has obtained completion and filing procedures; the ownership of the housing is clear and can handle real estate certificates; the asset, liability, and legal relationships of the housing enterprise are clear; the surrounding transportation and supporting facilities of the housing project are convenient and complete, meeting certain parking space ratios; priority will be given to the entire building or unit of unsold building projects. In terms of the acquisition price, the acquisition price is based on the resettlement price of guaranteed housing in the same area, which includes the allocated land cost, construction cost, and a profit not exceeding 5%. (CCTV News)

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