

Publicly listed companies are experiencing a wave of financing through "common prosperity bonds," with various capital sources vying to participate in bankruptcy restructurings.

Breakings ·  Aug 23, 2024 03:18

In mid-August, *ST Youshu, which entered into pre-restructuring, disclosed that it had obtained 50 million yuan in shared-benefit bond financing. Wang Zhibin, a lawyer at Shanghai Minglun Law Firm, said that shared-benefit bond investment usually refers to the loans issued by investors to bankrupt companies that still have restructuring value; the funds are used to continue business operations or complete specific projects in order to protect the interests of all creditors and enjoy priority repayment rights. In the past two years, A-share listed companies that have undergone bankruptcy restructuring have introduced shared-benefit bonds many times, and various investors such as subsidiaries of state-owned enterprises, state-owned asset management companies, and small and medium-sized private enterprises have appeared in shared-benefit bond investment. (Securities Times)

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