

The three major telecommunications operators have made comprehensive efforts in computing power and AI, and the initial results of cultivating emerging businesses are beginning to show.

Breakings ·  Aug 22 06:42

With the disclosure of the China Telecom half-year report, the performance of the three major telecommunications operators in the first half of the year has been announced. The main indicators such as revenue and net income of the three operators have achieved steady growth, and emerging businesses represented by industrial digitization have also achieved good growth. All three operators have emphasized the importance of business transformation and upgrading, of course, accompanied by some pains during the process. For example, some operators have experienced a decrease in operating net cash flow and an increase in accounts receivable at mid-year. In addition, the situation where the growth of traditional businesses has approached the ceiling has raised concerns among the operators. In the semi-annual report, the three operators have made significant mentions of computing power and AI. They have deployed capabilities such as calculation and artificial intelligence on a large scale, developed general models and models for specific industries, and increased capital expenditure to promote the monetization of AI capabilities. (Securities Times)

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