
中信建投陈果:市场关注近期成交低迷 短期还需等待进攻信号

Chen Guo from China Securities Co., Ltd.: The market is concerned about recent sluggish transactions and short-term waiting for signals to attack.

Breakings ·  Aug 19 07:25

Chen Guo's research report from China Securities Co., Ltd. states that the market is concerned about the recent sluggish transaction volume. There were two typical transactions in the second half of 2012 and 2018, and it is worth noting that they all finally declined sharply and rose rapidly. From the market characteristics, we believe that this year's low-volume trading background is relatively similar to that in 2012. In addition, the experience of the past two years shows that once an uptrend occurs in A-shares, it often happens quickly. Although the short-term domestic demand data is still weak, the recent impact on the market is no longer obvious, and expectations have also been significantly reduced. We believe that in the short term, it is still necessary to wait for the attack signal. Investors can consider holding assets with stable dividends as the mainstay, and then layout opportunities such as increased demand policies and growth industries when there is a low point. Focus on electrical utilities, telecom operators, state-owned banks, autos, military industry, home appliances, pharmaceuticals, internet plus-related industries.

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