
淘天 “松绑” 仅退款,店铺流量规则大改

Taotian unbinds the policy, only refund is available, and the store traffic rules have been greatly revised.

Breakings ·  Jul 26 16:23

On July 26th, Taotian made intensive adjustments to its merchant rules, and the three main changes are: a major change in store flow rules, clarifying that "experience score" is the core basis for flow distribution; loosening "refund only" for high experience score stores; in addition, Taotian will begin to charge basic software service fees, with a rate of 0.6% of the net transaction amount per order. Charging a basic software service fee is a common practice in the e-commerce industry to cover the cost of platform system construction. An Alibaba insider said that the increase of 0.6% is mainly used to cover software service costs for payment, ISVs (independent software vendors), cloud computing providers, and other partners. Taotian is the last e-commerce platform to begin charging a basic software service fee. (LatePost)

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