
昨日43只个股发生大宗交易 焦作万方、超图软件、实达集团成交额居前

Yesterday, 43 individual stocks had large block trades with Jiaozuo Wanfang Aluminum Manufacturing, Beijing Supermap Software, and Shida Group ranking highest in transaction volume.

Breakings ·  Jul 23 08:57

On July 22, a total of 43 A-share stocks had bulk trading with a total turnover of 54.6 billion yuan. Among them, Jiaozuo Wanfang, SuperMap Software, and Shida Group had the highest turnover, which were 10.3 billion yuan, 7.2 billion yuan, and 4.9 billion yuan respectively. As for the transaction price, 2 stocks were traded at a premium, and Dongrui shares and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank had the highest premium rates, which were 9.24% and 1.75% respectively; 20 stocks were traded at a discount, and Tongli, Kingsignal Technology, and Brilliance Technology had the highest discount rates, which were 24.97%, 21.65%, and 21.15% respectively.

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