

Six departments crack down on financial fraud in the capital market: push listed companies to establish internal accountability mechanisms such as performance compensation claims

Breakings ·  17:15
The General Office of the State Council forwarded “Opinions on Further Accomplishing Comprehensive Punishment and Prevention of Financial Fraud in the Capital Market” by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China, the General Administration of Financial Supervision, and the State Council's State-owned Assets Administration Commission. The “Opinion” proposes to strengthen endogenous constraints on corporate governance. Guide securities issuers and listed companies to strengthen internal control systems and highlight supervision and restrictions on key areas and links of fraud. Implement the reform requirements for independent directors, effectively play the supervisory role of independent directors, and strengthen the audit committee's anti-fraud responsibilities. Promote listed companies to establish internal accountability mechanisms such as performance compensation claims, and urge directors and senior management to perform their duties with due diligence. Strengthen assessment restrictions, and use financial fraud as a deduction item for the business performance assessment of heads of state-owned enterprises at all levels. Strengthen publicity and education for the “key minority”, and make awareness of integrity and compliance a core content of capital market training.

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