

Aisino Co. Ltd.: Releases a large financial and tax model to explore the new field of "AI + Finance and Taxation".

Breakings ·  Jul 5 14:35
On July 4th, the Cigna Group held a technology innovation workshop for 2024. At the meeting, a new product, the Cigna Group GPT tax and financial industry model, was officially released. It is a large model in the financially and tax-oriented vertical field with billions of parameters. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the Cigna Group tax and finance industry model have actively explored the new development path of AI + tax and finance, helping the implementation of the national tax collection and management reform and the new round of tax and finance system reform. It is reported that currently, Cigna Group GPT has been applied in multiple tax and finance scenarios, including tax and finance consulting, tax guide services, tax risk control, intelligent customer service, digital accounting, and financial assistant. The release of the large model will effectively promote the transformation of the existing tax and finance industry system and business service model.

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