
外资机构看A股:对中长期走势持正面态度 聚焦中资高息股

Foreign institutions view A shares with a positive attitude towards the medium and long term trend, focusing on high-yield Chinese stocks.

Breakings ·  Jul 4 20:48
According to the Hong Kong Economic Journal, multiple international financial institutions have recently published their latest views and outlooks on China's economy and stock market investment. Schroder Investment has a positive long-term view on the Chinese stock market. From a 2-3 year perspective, the Chinese stock market has a greater potential for growth than other stock markets, with opportunities existing in the theme of enterprise reform. The enterprise reform theme refers to shares that increase shareholder returns due to regulatory agency push. The new "National Nine Articles" specifically focus on improving the transparency and market efficiency of listed companies. UBS Group recommends value stocks with high dividends in A-shares, which can serve as defensive investments in the short term. The institution also prefers A-shares listed in both mainland China and Hong Kong, including CNOOC Limited, PetroChina, CRRC Corporation and Fuyao Glass. Citigroup also maintains a positive attitude towards high-yielding Chinese stocks. They believe that internal housing is showing signs of improvement in three aspects: supply reduction, obtaining credit and financing, and the recovery of the second-hand market.

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