
智能电网板块探底回升 万控智造涨停

Smart grids sector hits bottom and rebounded. Wankong Intelligent Manufacturing is up by the daily limit.

Breakings ·  Jul 2 10:38
The smart grid sector hit a low and rebounded during trading, with Wankong Intelligent Technology being the limit up. Prior to this, SMS Electric had a five-day streak of gains, with San You Lian Zhong and Jiangsu Daybright Intelligent Electric rising more than 10%, and Jiangsu Luokai Mechanical & Electrical, Shanghai Guangdian Electric Group, and Jinxiandai Information Industry following suit. On the news front, the "Basic Rules for Power Market Operations" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission will officially come into effect on July 1. Sinolink Securities believes that the core of deepening the reform of the power system lies in removing institutional and mechanistic obstacles in the process of power marketization and continuously implementing the reform spirit of "managing the middle and releasing both ends", which is bullish for the smart grid construction and power marketization business.

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