
深交所:决定*ST左江股票终止上市 7月8日进入退市整理期交易

Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Decided to terminate the listing of *ST Left River's stocks. Trading during the delisting arrangement period begins on July 8th.

Breakings ·  Jun 28 20:06
The Shenzhen Stock Exchange has issued an announcement stating that Beijing Zuojiang Technology Co., Ltd.'s stocks were subject to a delisting risk warning since May 4, 2023, due to negative net income after deducting non-recurring profit and loss for the audited 2022 fiscal year and revenue below 100 million yuan. On April 29, 2024, the company disclosed its first annual financial accounting report after being subject to a delisting risk warning, showing that the net income after deducting non-recurring profit and loss for the audited 2023 fiscal year was -222,687,500 yuan, and the revenue after deducting non-business income and income without commercial substance that is not related to the main business was 52,172,700 yuan. At the same time, the audit report for the company's 2023 financial accounting report was issued an opinion that cannot be expressed, which triggered the situation of stock termination. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange decided to terminate the listing of the company's stocks, and the company's stocks will enter the delisting arrangement period on July 8th, 2024. On the next trading day after the expiration of the delisting arrangement period, the company's stocks will be delisted.

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