
2024上半年十大牛股出炉:正丹股份以绝对优势夺魁 算力和飞行汽车概念表现强势

The top ten bullish stocks in the first half of 2024 are released: Zhengdan Chemical Industry takes the lead with an absolute advantage, and the computing power and flying car concepts perform strongly.

Breakings ·  Jun 28 16:30
At the end of the first half of 2024 A shares, the top ten bullish stocks are freshly released. Zhengdan Chemical Industry became the stock king with an absolute advantage of 373%, and the cumulative increase from February 8th to June 12th, 73 trading days, was as high as 1059.66%. 63 stocks rose more than 50% in the first half of the market, of which 5 rose more than 100%. Looking at the leading individual stocks, the flying car concept has Wanfeng Auto Wheel, Zhejiang Jindun Fans, and CITIC Offshore Helicopter entering the top ten. The computing power industry chain Eoptolink Technology Inc. (fourth), Shenzhen Woer Heat-Shrinkable Material (eighth), and Foxconn Industrial Internet (thirteenth) also performed well.

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