
6天4板时空科技:公司股票短期涨幅较大 可能存在非理性炒作风险

Beijing New Space Technology (SKT) has seen four consecutive daily limit up movements in six days, but there may be risks of irrational speculation in the short term for the company's stocks.

Breakings ·  Jun 26 18:09
Beijing New Space Technology announced that the company's stocks have increased by a cumulative percentage of 47.51% since June 18, 2024, with a significant short-term increase, which has deviated significantly from the growth rate of the same industry and the SSE Composite Index, and may involve irrational speculation risk. The net income attributable to the company's shareholders of the list public company achieved in 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 were -207,279,700 yuan and -35,599,700 yuan, respectively. Investors should pay attention to the company's operational and market risks.

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