
A股增持回购潮延续 多家公司真金白银稳股价

A-share companies continue to increase stake and buy back, using real money and silver to stabilize stock prices.

Breakings ·  Jun 26 03:21
As the market fluctuates and adjusts, listed companies continue to increase their stake and buy back shares. On the evening of June 25th, many companies including Lingyuan Iron & Steel, Zhejiang Longsheng Group, Bright Dairy & Food, Shanghai Metersbonwe Fashion & Accessories, and Shanghai Laiyifen disclosed plans to increase their stake and buy back shares. In addition, on June 25th, another group of listed companies joined the buyback wave. The aforementioned companies all stated that the repurchased shares will be used for stock-based incentives or employee shareholding plans at appropriate times in the future.

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