
中信建投:科技产业利好政策频出 科八条利好软件产业整合

China Securities Co., Ltd.: Favorable policies for the technology industry are frequent, and the Eight Measures for Science and Technology Innovation and New Qualitative Productivity Development have been further deepened. It enhances tolerance for new in

Breakings ·  Jun 25 08:00
China Securities Co., Ltd. research report pointed out that on June 19th, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "Eight Measures for Deepening the Reform of the Science and Technology Innovation Board and Serving the Development of New Quality Production Forces", further deepening the reform, enhancing tolerance for new industries, new forms of business and technology, and enhancing the function of the capital market. Combined with the recent frequent introduction of major policies in the technology industry, China Securities Co., Ltd. believes that the technology sector is expected to receive capital attention. From the perspective of industry integration, industrial software track companies will benefit the most. The development of leading industrial software companies depends on M&A to supplement their technical layout. In addition to the current difficulties in financing in the primary market and the lengthening of the secondary exit cycle, early-stage technology companies represented by industrial software have a funding gap between revenue scale and R&D investment. China Securities Co., Ltd. believes that many high-quality relevant companies will consider being acquired by listed companies to continue to promote product research and development and iteration.

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