
酿酒板块局部活跃 会稽山2连板

The wine sector is partially active, and Kuaijishan Shaoxing rice wine has risen two consecutive days.

Breakings ·  Jun 20 09:49
The morning trading activity of the wine sector is partially active, and the yellow wine sector is leading the way. Kuaijishan has two consecutive trading sessions, Citic Niya hit the limit, and Jinfeng Wine, Guyue Longshan, and Huangtai Wine Industry followed the trend. In terms of news, Kuaijishan has launched an innovative new product, bubble yellow wine “One Smoked One Day”. In the 618 e-commerce battle, the official Douyin live broadcast room sold over 10 million yuan in 72 hours, which is 100 times the total sales of the 2nd-10th places in the Douyin yellow wine category, and more than 80% of the transactions are made by young people.

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