

SWHY Strategy: The high-dividend assets in the broad sense are still the mainstay in the third quarter.

Breakings ·  Jun 20 07:52
SWHY research released a report stating that high-dividend assets in the broad sense are still the mainstay in the third quarter. Recommended bottom-fund configuration: electrical utilities, power grid equipment, coal, non-ferrous, banks, core baijiu. Maintain allocation of technology and export chain Alpha assets: computing power leader, AI mobile phone, auto IT; stocks with improved brand power in the export chain. Bullish on advanced manufacturing in the fourth quarter (new energy vehicle battery chain, export chain Alpha) as the supply and demand pattern is expected to improve by 2025 and profit elasticity will increase. At the same time, pay attention to the possibility of technology outbound mergers and acquisitions, and the investment opportunities of high-quality A-share companies entering new tracks.

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