
*ST鹏博:公司股票于6月19日涨停 但公司基本面未发生重大变化

Special treat Pengbo: the company's stock rose by the daily limit on June 19, but the company's fundamentals did not undergo major changes.

Breakings ·  Jun 19 21:09
Special treat Pengbo issued a stock trading risk warning announcement. The company's stock rose by the daily limit on June 19, 2024, but the company's fundamentals did not undergo major changes, and the company was subject to delisting risk warning and other risk warnings. Investors are advised to pay attention to investment risks. The company's stock was subject to delisting risk warning due to Zhongxi accounting firm's inability to express opinions in the audit report for 2023, which touched on Article 9.3.2(3) of the Listing Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

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