

Open source Securities: Maintains a "buy" rating for Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics, with expectations for the landing of high expenditure and device overall solutions and intelligent development.

Breakings ·  Jun 19 15:26
According to the research report by Open source Securities, Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics (300760.SZ) is actively executing a high expenditure plus device strategy. It is carrying out academic activities for energy equipment (energy platform equipment + ultrasonic knife consumables) on a large scale. Surgical consumables are an important part of high-value consumables. The market is large. Considering that the company continues to benefit from the new medical infrastructure, it continuously breaks into high-end hospitals at home and abroad through innovative products. Although medical compliance in China is still in progress, the high-end development of various sectors is constantly advancing. The "Sanray" ecosystem and overall intelligent solutions continue to land, and the "buy" rating is maintained.

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