
中国电信发布单体稠密万亿参数语义模型 用了普通训练方案9%的算力资源

China Telecom releases a monolithic dense trillion parameter semantic model that utilizes 9% of the computing resources of ordinary training schemes.

Breakings ·  Jun 19 12:44

Recently, China Telecom's Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (TeleAI) and Beijing Smart Source Artificial Intelligence Research Institute jointly released the world's first single dense trillion parameter semantic model Tele-FLM-1T, becoming the first institution in China to release a dense trillion-parameter large model. According to reports, in response to the high consumption of computing power required for large model training, TeleAI and Smart Source jointly developed the Tele-FLM series of models based on key technologies such as model growth and loss prediction, using only 9% of the computing resources of the industry's standard training plan, and completed the training of three models totaling 2.3T tokens based on 112 A800 servers in 4 months.

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