
低空经济概念股延续反弹 朗进科技20CM涨停

Concept stock for low-altitude economy continues to rebound, with Shandong Longertek Technology up 20% at 20CM limit.

Breakings ·  Jun 19 11:06
Shandong Longertek Technology rose by 20CM limit, Wisesoft Co.,Ltd. rose by limit, Hebei Jianxin Chemical, Shandong Shuangyi Technology, RuiSi Information, Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel, Shang Gong Group and others all rose more than 5%. On the news front, Hunan recently released "Several Policy Measures to Support the High-quality Development of Low-altitude Economy in the Province", which proposes a maximum subsidy of 20 million yuan for low-altitude enterprises.

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