
楼市新政满月 市场活跃度提升

After a month of new policies in the real estate market, market activity has increased.

Breakings ·  Jun 19 07:35
After the one-month anniversary of the release of the new policy on May 17th, how is the current real estate market situation? Journalists recently visited Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places and found that since the release of a package of supportive policies for the real estate industry by multiple departments on May 17th, many places have actively responded. With specific policies such as lowering thresholds, down payments, interest rates, and "trading up" being implemented, new property transactions have increased in hot cities represented by Shanghai, while the second-hand housing market has maintained a relatively high level of activity. Effective demand brought about by favorable policies is gradually being released. "Overall, after the implementation of multiple policy measures, the real estate market sentiment has improved to some extent. Whether the market can continue to recover in the future still depends on the pace and intensity of follow-up policies, as well as the improvement of residents' income expectations." said Chen Wenjing, market research director of China Index Academy. (Economic Reference Daily)

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