

Peking statistics: the city produced 477,000 autos from January to May, a 16% increase year-on-year.

Breakings ·  Jun 18 19:04
On June 18th, data released by Beijing statistics showed that in January-May 2024, Beijing produced 477,000 vehicles, an increase of 16.0% over the same period last year. Among them, 208,000 were sedans, a decrease of 11.1%; 220,000 were sport utility vehicles (SUV), an increase of 51.6%; and 83,000 were new energy autos, an increase of 3.1 times. From January to May, the added value of industries above designated size in Beijing increased by 7.3% year-on-year at comparable prices. Among key industries, the auto manufacturing industry grew by 17.5%. From January to May, the total market consumption in Beijing increased by 5% year-on-year. Among major commodity categories, the retail sales of auto commodities increased by 0.2%, of which new energy vehicles increased by 30.9%.

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