
CPO概念股再度拉升 新易盛、中际旭创双双续创历史新高

CPO concept stocks rise again, with Eoptolink Technology Inc. and Zhongji Innolight reaching new historical highs.

Breakings ·  Jun 18 09:43
Eoptolink Technology Inc. and Zhongji Innolight continued to hit historical highs, with Zhishang Technology rising by more than 10%. Cig Shanghai, Dongguan Mentech Optical & Magnetic, Dongtai Microelectronics, Suzhou TFC Optical Communication, and Unisplendour Corporation followed the trend. Galaxy Securities stated that it is expected that the overall revenue growth rate of the global optoelectronic module market in 2024 will reach 27%, mainly due to the expansion of demand for 400G and 800G optical modules. Especially the orders from Nvidia, Google, and Amazon played a key role in the revenue growth.

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