
中信建投:关注陆家嘴论坛和流动性改善 券商板块或触底反弹

China Securities Co., Ltd.: Paying attention to the Lujiazui Forum and liquidity improvement, the brokerage sector may rebound from the bottom.

Breakings ·  Jun 18 08:17
China Securities Co., Ltd. research reports indicate that the Lujiazui Forum will create new development opportunities for the brokerage sector and provide important policy catalysts for the brokerage sector, which will be beneficial for valuation. The 2024 Lujiazui Forum will be held on June 19-20. All previous forums have been themed around "reform" and "development" which sets the direction for financial reform in China and also serves the construction of Shanghai's international financial center. This year's forum, themed "promoting the high-quality development of finance to drive economic growth worldwide", will have keynote speeches by Wu Qing, Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), Fang Xinghai, Vice Chairman of CSRC, and Qiu Yong, Chairman of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. During the forum, the CSRC will also announce a series of measures related to the capital market. This forum theme corresponds to the "Five Articles" of the Central Financial Working Conference and will create new development opportunities for the brokerage sector, providing important policy catalysts to boost valuation.

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