

AsiaInfo Security intends to purchase 19.236% or 20.316% of AsiaInfo Tech's shares.

Breakings ·  Jun 17 20:34
AsiaInfo Security announcement: intends to jointly invest with Science and Technology Investment and Intelligent Fund through wholly-owned subsidiaries AsiaInfo Jina and AsiaInfo Chengdu to establish AsiaInfo Jin Xin. AsiaInfo Jin Xin and AsiaInfo Jina jointly invest in the establishment of AsiaInfo Xin Ning, and AsiaInfo Xin Ning invests in overseas wholly-owned subsidiaries as the subject of the acquisition to purchase SKIPPER INVESTMENT LIMITED's 19.236% or 20.316% shares of AsiaInfo Tech through cash payment. At the same time, it obtains the voting rights corresponding to the AsiaInfo Tech shares held by Tiansu Ning and its controlled Info Addition, PacificInfo, CBC Partners, which account for 9.572% to 9.605% of the total shares held after the delivery of this share acquisition.

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