
豫光集团:今年将实施12个技改项目 总投资达68亿元

Yuguang Group will implement 12 technological upgrading projects this year, with a total investment of 6.8 billion yuan.

Breakings ·  Jun 17 13:32
It is learned from Henan Yuguang Gold and Lead Group Co., Ltd. that the company will implement 12 technology renovation projects this year, including the recycled lead closed production line project, 150,000-ton zinc-based material green intelligent manufacturing project, etc. The total investment of the project is expected to be 6.84 billion yuan. After the project is completed, multiple processes of multiple production lines will be mechanized, automated and unmanned. Zhao Jingang, chairman of Yuguang Group, said that the current overcapacity in the non-ferrous industry and intense competition are driving the company's 12 technology renovation projects this year, which are a long-term layout to maintain the industry's csi leading technology index. (Xinhua Finance)

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