

China National Chemical Engineering: Contract amount from January to May is RMB 1674.43 billion.

Breakings ·  Jun 14 17:35
China National Chemical Engineering announcement, the company's main business situation from January to May 2024 is as follows: According to business type statistics, the amount of architecture engineering contracts is RMB 1598.02 billion, of which chemical engineering is RMB 1282.75 billion, infrastructure is RMB 271.26 billion, environmental governance is RMB 44.01 billion, survey design supervision consultation is RMB 16.09 billion, sales of industrial and new materials is RMB 33.68 billion, modern services is RMB 4.80 billion, and other is RMB 21.84 billion. According to regional distribution statistics, domestic contract amount is RMB 1307.64 billion, and overseas is RMB 366.79 billion. Significant contracts in May include Indonesia CHANDRA annual production of 420,000 tons of caustic soda, 500,000 tons of dichloroethane supply contract amounting to RMB 2.298 billion, Heilongjiang Zhongfei Petrochemical Co., Ltd. 1.5 million tons/year of hydrocarbon comprehensive utilization project amounting to RMB 2.1 billion and so on.

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