

Survey shows: "raising children for old age" is no longer widely accepted among married individuals, retirement planning has become a "must-have" option.

Breakings ·  Jun 13 06:47
Manulife Financial's Asia Care Survey 2024 (hereafter referred to as the "Survey") released recently shows that the traditional concept of "raising children to provide for old age" is no longer widely recognized among married people. One-third of respondents in the married-with-children and those with plans to have children group said they do not expect to receive economic support from their children after they grow old, and retirement planning will become a "must" for this group of people. In addition, nearly 39% of married childless respondents have not yet decided on a fertility plan, indicating they may also need to plan for retirement ahead of time. The combination of these factors is expected to accelerate the growing demand for retirement planning among married people in Mainland China in the future. The survey shows that as the concept of "raising children to provide for old age" declines, 62% of married respondents with children stated that they may consider delaying retirement for financial support for their families, and up to 75% of married childless respondents made the same choice. The emphasis that married people in Mainland China place on family financial conditions lays the groundwork for a huge demand for retirement-related products and services for this group of people. (Pengpai News reporter Hu Zhiteng)

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