
车企造假事件恐重创日本经济 若相关车型停止出货4个月 日本GDP预计共减少约合112.8亿元人民币

If the relevant models stop shipping for 4 months, the car company's cheating scandal could deal a heavy blow to Japan's economy, with an estimated reduction of about RMB 11.28 billion in Japan's GDP.

Breakings ·  Jun 10 23:10
Currently, the cheating scandals of several Japanese automakers have spread to dealerships and suppliers, and the impact on the Japanese economy may exceed expectations. It is reported that the shipment volume of Japan's automobile manufacturing industry accounts for about 17% of the overall shipment volume of the manufacturing industry, and the number of related employees exceeds 5.5 million. It is estimated that if the relevant models stop shipping for 4 months, Japan's GDP may decrease by about JPY 98.4 billion, about RMB 4.55 billion; coupled with the losses in related industries, the GDP is expected to decrease by about JPY 244.1 billion, about RMB 11.28 billion. (CCTV Finance)

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