
达安基因(002030.SZ)拟对达泰生物增资4000万元 拓展生化免疫检测试剂市场

Daan Gene Co., Ltd. (002030.SZ) intends to increase its investment in Datai Biotech by 40 million yuan to expand the market for biochemical and immune diagnostic reagents.

Breakings ·  Jun 7 17:58
Daan Gene Co., Ltd. (002030.SZ) announced that in order to expand the market for biochemical and immune diagnostic reagents and support its wholly-owned subsidiary, Guangzhou Datai Bioengineering Technology Co., Ltd. ('Datai Biotech'), further market development, research and development registration and certification work, the company plans to inject 40 million yuan of its own funds into Datai Biotech. After this capital increase is completed, Datai Biotech's registered capital will increase from 30 million yuan to 70 million yuan.

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