

CITIC Securities: Four-pronged approach promotes investment opportunities in areas such as electrical utilities infrastructure, regulation resources, and electrical utilities IT.

Breakings ·  Jun 6 08:19
CITIC Securities announced that on June 4, 2024, the National Energy Administration issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in New Energy Consumption and Guaranteeing the High-quality Development of New Energy", proposing measures to do well in consumption and absorption work for key directions urgently needed to be improved, such as the coordinated development of the power grid, the enhancement of regulation ability, the allocation of grid resources, and the optimization of the new energy utilization target. We believe that the electricity spot market will be the key solution suitable for the characteristics of new energy generation, and can promote the consumption of new energy through four paths of "predictable", "sent out", "stored", and "consumed". We suggest focusing on investment opportunities in areas such as electrical infrastructure, regulation resources, and electrical IT.

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