
ST天喻回复关注函:主要股东之间不存在重大分歧 前期披露的年度报告等不存在需更正之处

ST Tianyu replied to the inquiry letter: no major disagreements among major shareholders, no need to correct the annual report disclosed earlier.

Breakings ·  Jun 4 22:57
ST Tianyu replied to the inquiry letter of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, after verifying with the company's major shareholders, Wuhan Tongyu and Guanggu Fund, there are no major disagreements between the company's major shareholders, and the company's controlling shareholder is still Wuhan Tongyu; the actual controller of the company is still Yan Chunyu and Ai Di, and their concerted action relationship is still effective, and there is no major disagreement between them; the company's major shareholders do not have a plan or arrangement to compete for control of the company. In terms of internal control within the company, there are disagreements between the major shareholders, Wuhan Tongyu and Guanggu Fund, and the company's management. The major shareholders believe that the company has failed to effectively implement the requirements of the board of directors, and the relevant work to promote internal control improvement is not in place. They expressed their distrust of the company's board of directors, supervisors and management by abstaining from voting, and hope that the company's major shareholders, actual controllers and management will fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with the law and regulations and jointly promote the healthy development of the company. The company's previously disclosed "2023 Annual Board of Directors' Work Report", "2023 Annual Supervisory Committee's Work Report", "2023 Annual Financial Settlement Report", "2023 Annual Report" and its summary truly, accurately and completely reflect the actual situation of the company and no supplementary or corrective measures are required.

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