
深交所:众智科技近8个交易日累涨113% 自然人买入占比达84.25%

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange disclosed that Zhongzhi Technology has accumulated a 113% increase in the past 8 trading days, with natural person buy-in accounting for 84.25%.

Breakings ·  Jun 4 16:40
The Shenzhen Stock Exchange disclosed that during the severely abnormal period of accumulated 113% increase from May 24 to June 4, Zhongzhi Technology received buy-ins by natural persons totaling RMB 3.897 billion, accounting for 84.25% of the total. Among them, small and medium-sized investors bought RMB 2.813 billion, accounting for 60.81%. Institutional investors bought RMB 0.728 billion, accounting for 15.75%.

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