
李家超:京港沪港直通车改由高铁取代 有助香港融入国家发展大局

Li Jiachao: The replacement of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Shanghai-Hong Kong Express by high-speed rail will help Hong Kong integrate into the overall national development agenda

Breakings ·  Jun 4 13:48
According to China Railway Group, from June 15, the Beijing-Hong Kong and Shanghai-Hong Kong high-speed rail sleeper trains will be operated between Beijing, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. In response, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, expressed during a meeting with the media before attending the Executive Council on the 4th that he thanked the central government for its care for Hong Kong and the China Railway Group's support to meet the needs of travelers, help promote personnel, economic, trade, and cultural exchanges, and promote Hong Kong's better integration into the overall national development agenda. Li Jiachao said that the new arrangement shows that the number of seats has increased dramatically to more than 600, and the travel time has been cut in half. The customs clearance time has been drastically reduced, and the “two inspections in two places” originally used by express trains has been changed to “two inspections in one place”. At the same time, the coverage of trains will be expanded to cover more stations along the high-speed rail line. The train schedule is closer to actual needs, and runs from Friday to Monday, which is the most popular, to meet actual demand. Li Jiachao said that the Transport and Logistics Bureau of the HKSAR Government and the MTR have been instructed to comprehensively carry out implementation work and a series of publicity and promotion. (Xinhua News Agency)

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