

74 companies received more than 20 institutional inquiries, with ygsoft inc receiving the most attention.

Breakings ·  Jun 4 08:35
In the past 5 trading days (May 28 to June 3), about 350 companies in the two markets were surveyed by institutions. According to the type of survey institution, csi all share investment banking conducted surveys on a total of 315 companies, accounting for 90% of the stock trading activities with institutional participation, followed by fund companies surveying 239 companies, and sunshine private equity institutions surveying 131 companies. In the institutional survey list, 74 companies received more than 20 inquiries from institutions. Ygsoft inc received the most attention, with 152 institutions participating in the survey; Wolong Electric Group was surveyed by 137 institutions and ranked second on the list; other companies such as Micro Nano and Ding Tai were surveyed by 118 and 103 institutions, respectively.

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