

Shenzhen Next-Generation Intelligent Transportation System Industry Alliance Companies Make a Group Debut

Breakings ·  Jun 3 11:13
On the afternoon of the 2nd, the “2nd Future Vehicle Pioneers Conference · 2024 Global Intelligent Connected Vehicle Commercialization Innovation Forum” was held at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. At the conference, companies from the Shenzhen Next-Generation Smart Transportation System Industry Alliance made a group appearance. In the future, they will work together to promote the upgrading and implementation of next-generation smart transportation systems. At the forum, Shenzhen Communications, together with more than 40 companies including Huawei, BYD, China Automobile Research Technology, Shenzhen Shangtang Technology, Shenzhen Yuntian Lifei Technology, Gaode Software, and Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology, jointly initiated the establishment of the Shenzhen Next-Generation Smart Transportation System Industry Alliance. The industry alliance will gather many smart transportation upstream and downstream industry chain enterprises to carry out joint exploration in smart transportation industry enterprise cooperation, policy support, industry standard formulation, cutting-edge technology research and development, and key equipment innovation, etc., and make every effort to promote the upgrading and implementation of next-generation smart transportation systems.

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