
朗源股份年报遭问询 被要求说明在子公司连续四年造假情况下公司是否触及风险警示、退市规定

The annual report of Langyuan Co., Ltd. was questioned and asked to explain whether the company complied with risk warnings and delisting regulations when the subsidiary had falsified for four consecutive years

Breakings ·  Jun 3 11:10
On June 3, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued an annual report inquiry letter to Langyuan Co., Ltd. requesting that the holding subsidiary Guangdong Youshi United Holding Group Co., Ltd. explain whether the company has complied with the relevant regulations on risk warning and delisting of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange under the circumstances of four consecutive years of fraud by Youshi United. Explain the reason and rationality of changes in operating income and net profit; explain the reason and rationality of the large increase in monetary capital.

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